From Accident to Inner Work Entrepreneur - A 7-Year Journey

Today marks seven whole years since my life was turned upside down—quite literally. I went out to feed calves one morning without telling anyone, just another task I wanted to finish before getting the kids on the bus. It was a year marked by financial struggles, largely due to the milk price crash and the Murray Goulburn / Gary Helou fiasco. Running a skeleton crew, my kids saw less of their mum than they should have.

The Struggles and The Catalyst

With a text from a casual milker saying she was quitting, my already full plate got even heavier. There I was, juggling everything and set to be the matron of honour at my best friend's wedding in just two days. "I just need a bloody break," was all I could think.

Defining Moments and Inner Growth

Whether it was the accident itself, the complications that followed, the trauma, the wounds, or the healing process, each facet became a defining moment in my life. The intricate details feel less important now, but the transformation and self-growth I've experienced feel exponential.

A Changed Perspective

Who I thought I was and who I am now are polar opposites. They say there's always a silver lining or someone who's worse off, but let's be real—that's not helpful in the moment of crisis. What is helpful, however, is reflecting on these experiences to build emotional, physical, and spiritual resilience.

From Emotional Turmoil to Inner Work Entrepreneur

Now, I comfortably identify as an inner work entrepreneur. Just like when working with horses, I've laid the groundwork to build a strong relationship with myself first which allows me to bridge understanding and confidence. The confidence that I know myself well enough, to trust whatever ride of life that may come our way. 

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