Own It! The Power of Taking Accountability

Take responsibility for your thoughts.

It’s your job to take responsibility for your healing. People like me can help, but it starts with you acknowledging that if nothin' changes, nothin' changes. So it's time to do something!
I see many people stuck in a negative mindset. Some are full of hate, and the whole world is to blame. In short, they get 'stuck'. I can help with that, but here's a great starting point to reflect on.

I have made sure I am grateful for the good things in my life and acknowledge them daily.  I'm alive, and I can do good things. I have plans and can help people; my family is well. I have a full tank of petrol in my car, and I have people who love and care for me. It can be simple things too, don't miss them.

If you have a negative attitude, you’re more likely to impact everything around you negatively. You can counteract and change a negative attitude by taking active steps to cultivate positivity.

Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions

You alone are in control of your life, and many of the negative situations and negative thoughts you harbour are influenced directly by you. By taking responsibility for your actions, you can begin to remove negativity in your life and create positivity. Negative thoughts cultivate negative actions. If you decide to have a positive attitude, you’ll cultivate positive changes.

List negative things in your life and begin to change them

Acknowledging what is negative in your life will allow you to see what you can control and change. Burn the list to symbolize letting go of negativity. List anything in your life that you consider negative. Read the list and check off what you can change. For example, you can change negative relationships with others by removing them from your life or you can change bad finances by taking steps to save money. Once you’ve thought about how to change the negative influences in your life, burn the paper to symbolize letting go and write a new list of positive things in your life.

Let go of expectations

Negativity often begins with expectations of yourself or others. Letting go of unrealistic or negative expectations will help you change your attitude and create a positive environment. Accept that nothing is perfect. Imperfection adds character, and letting go of any expectations of perfection will help you focus on the positive in any person or situation.

Forgive yourself and others

Holding grudges and dwelling on your imperfections will only emphasize a negative attitude. Being able to forgive and let go will allow you to focus on the positive in yourself and others. Forgiveness will remove negative attitudes and create space for positive ones. But it will also decrease stress and increase peace and calm in your life.

Respond to change

Negative emotions often accompany change; the best way to handle change is to respond and not react to it. Make the decision to respond positively in every situation, and you’ll be able to keep negativity at bay. You can’t control all situations or people, but you can choose how you’ll respond to them. Meeting a negative situation or person with positivity will keep your attitude positive and may also result in a positive resolution to anything.

Keep moving forward

You’ll occasionally have negative thoughts, which is normal and acceptable, but learn not to dwell on them. By always moving towards the positive, you will be able to change your negative attitude.

 Focus On Positive

Look for the positive in everything. Negative thoughts and attitudes are draining; they will become stronger if you give in to them. Seeking out the positive in any person or situation will help shift your mindset to a positive one. Even in the worst situations, there is always something positive. It might take some time to recognise, but seeing the positive aspects in anything will help you avoid negativity.

Make a list of everything for which you’re grateful

Being grateful will help cultivate a positive attitude. Listing all the things for which you’re thankful will help you counteract any negative thoughts that may arise. In situations where you feel negative, read the list of things you’re grateful for. This will remind you to stay positive.

Use positive words

The language you choose significantly influences your attitude and emotional outlook. Using positive words and statements throughout the day will help you stay positive and counteract negativity. Use phrases like "I am hopeful" or "We will find a solution". These will help you—and others around you—stay positive.

Surround yourself with positive people

Having supportive people around you who can put things in perspective is important to cultivating a positive attitude. Surrounding yourself with positive people will counteract negativity and help you change your attitude.

Help others

Simple acts of kindness and helping others can do wonders for your attitude. Not only can this put things in perspective about your life, but it can distract you from problems and generally make you feel more positive. Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve, and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


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