Beyond “Fake It Til You Make It”

Real Talk On Imposter Syndrome For Women Entrepreneurs.

Have you ever felt like you don’t truly belong in the world despite your time in the trenches and your personal/professional achievements?

Or, that you should keep your wins to yourself so that others don’t think you're getting too big for your boots?

I have felt his presence many, MANY times.

I remember the very first time I was able to label what was going on. I was in my last year of high school and my teacher told me I was going to become someone amazing with the heart that I had, and that I would become a pillar of support for other people one day. I felt weird hearing those words from an adult.

Last year applying for the Agrifutures Rural Women’s Award, saw the Imposter pay a visit. 

Just a month after opening the stable doors of Leading Rein, my sister and niece encouraged me to fill out the form.

THEN, I won.

Wait, what? Who? Me? An award for a concept I was only just putting the ingredients in ( not 100% baked) 

Surely not. (see where we are spiralling?)

Reaching for the stars at a fast track rate.

I didn’t feel worthy or ready to be put forward as a role model to ANYONE, let alone other women entrepreneurs. Having previously spent 20 years unfulfilled in the daily grind and farm roles of my own business - What a fraud to stand up and inspire others.

I could have fallen back into the trap of self-sabotage. But I can stand proud and say I now know better. I am doing something that lights me up.

I also identify how my lurgy imposter operates.

I know I am not unique.

I now know I am not alone in feeling Imposter Syndrome!

So why do we not talk about this?

Many women face these feelings.

As they step out of patterning, conditioning and ways in which they choose to previously stay and play.

Downplaying the wins.

“Hiding their lights under a bush”.

Shrinking so people don’t think we are “bragging” or being “too big for our boots”.

I’m now calling this out as BS.

The thing is, even the most accomplished women have experienced this feeling at some time.

I asked my fellow “Agri sisters” - Agrifutures RWA - previous winners, finalists and successful entrepreneurs about this feeling of being an imposter, and they echoed that — YES, they too had times when they felt like they would “get found out” — when in actuality, they were SO deserving of the success and adoration they were receiving.

What if we were to look Imposter Syndrome in the eye and see it for what it is?

Just a feeling, a chapter and not a truth? It's in fact, a stage of growth and once I understood there was more context to its presence in my life, I was able to shake off the weight and actually embrace it. For people who are motivated & growth driven, there will always be an element of uncertainty and unfamiliar (aka NEW) lessons or territory. The key is knowing we have a choice in this crossroad and the question is are you prepared to let your emotions take the wheel?

Here is the crossroads statement.

Be willing to be green in the unfamiliar, but stand strong in knowing you are growing. Or - stay the same and know the fruit of your efforts so far, will decay away if you choose to stay.

So, how do you feel like an imposter and move forward anyway?

1️⃣ Recognise the feeling: Understand that this isn’t a sign of inadequacy but a common phenomenon, especially among high achievers.

And recognise that you may feel a twinge of it every time you up-level your business and results.

Erry dang time.

Trust me when I say, it doesn’t go away with time. 25 years on, at every new skill or unfamiliar terrain, I still feel those high school imposter pangs occasionally pop up to say hi.

2️⃣ Talk about it: Sharing how you feel with fellow women entrepreneurs can create a supportive community where you realise you aren’t alone.

Having a group of like-minded peers — other driven women makes staying driven so much easier — you can share your wins and champion each other to keep growing and winning, unapologetically. You don’t have to win awards or accolades to high-five yourself.

Micro moments matter.

Surround yourself with people who cheer you on when you win and when you level up and play a bigger game.

3️⃣ Own your accomplishments: Set aside time each week or month to list all the things you’ve achieved, big and small. With busy minds comes busyness, but do you focus on the forward motion or focus on how much is left to do (there’s a key ingredient to transforming your tasklist) 

It sounds simple but it is ridiculously powerful. Revisit this list when doubt creeps in.

Whatever the truth about the progress you’ve made is true.

Your achievements are your truth. (read this again)

Your success results from your hard work, tenacity, and your contribution (brilliance).

Own it!

Here’s to feeling confident in your elevation, evolution and your success,


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From Accident to Inner Work Entrepreneur - A 7-Year Journey