Frequently Asked Questions

We understand you probably have some questions. It is not uncommon for many of our participants to have some trepidation, anxiety, or fear when it comes to working with horses. Some have never been around horses, and others may have had a scary incident as a child. We facilitate support so clients understand the wisdom gained from this experience and encourage them to harness their minds and exercise choice, when fears or concerns are present. This, in itself, stretches self leadership and emotional capabilities.

Do you only offer workshops to businesses offsite?

We have a few different options to cater for everyone. The horse workshops are place-based at Milabena and our women’s 3 day retreats are at Sisters Beach (North West Tasmania). We can provide remote and location-based workshops tailored to your requirements. With an array of offerings based around human behaviour, integrating statistically proven profiling tools to develop the authentic and conscious self leadership capacity of individuals and teams of people.

What if you have a fear of working with horses?

No prior horse experience is necessary for this work, and safety precautions are thoroughly reviewed. We ensure that participants understand horses, their nature, and how to stay safe while engaging with them. We honour both the human and the horse and create a setting that brings the best out in both beings. Our participants are always at choice, and no learning is forced. T

Is it safe?

Safety always comes first at LR. We carefully select horses for our programmes based on their ideal temperament and "people" skills. Each program begins with a tutorial on safety around horses, and then constant monitoring and feedback is provided by qualified facilitators throughout the equine activities. he programs are designed with a form of delivery to ensure the safety requirements of both humans and horses are met. We are proud of our safety record and make every effort to ensure that your equine-assisted learning experience at LR is as safe as it is inspiring!

What should I wear?

When participating in our equine workshops, your classroom is an equestrian centre. Activities are carried out in an indoor arena (soft footing) and your teachers are horses, so wear comfortable clothes that allow movement and can get dirty; simple is best. Layers work best to accommodate Milabena’s temperate location. Closed-toe shoes with socks are mandatory -- no sandals, no exceptions.

What if I have allergies?

If you have known allergies, please consult your healthcare professional for recommendations. We keep a clean environment. However, it is a working farm with horses, dogs and cats, surrounded by unbounded nature.

Do you have accommodation options for groups?

Yes, we do. Overnight accommodations are just a 15-minute drive from LR. Sisters Beach, and Boat Harbour have BNB style options. Nearby Wynyard has hotel accommodation for individual or group bookings; larger groups choose Tall Timbers in Circular Head. We're happy to help you choose the best accommodations for your needs.

What can I expect to learn from Leading Rein workshops and programmes?

Depending on the workshop objectives and requirements, you can expect to learn many new things about yourself and your team. Participants report they gain insights and new thinking around confidence and efficacy; innovation and creative thinking; communication, conflict resolution, problem-solving, empathy and authenticity; motivation and goal setting. Conscious and compassionate leadership through understanding both human and horse behaviours.